IJAM Volume 14 Number 1 (PRINT)

ISSN/ISBN : 1480-8986
Pages : 81

Product: Journal

$84.00 CA


Dear readers, 

It was with great pleasure that I attended the 11th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) in Antwerp, Belgium, 3–6 July. Over 125 presentations were given and speakers came from 37 countries! Meetings and discussions were quite challenging and we welcomed a large contingent of new participants, which is very promising for our field of research. I must point out the impeccable work of Professor Annick Schramme and her team, who arranged some memorable cultural outings. Thank you for such an excellent conference.

In this issue of IJAM , the first article focuses on interdisciplinary networking. Hilppa Sorjonen seeks to identify, using a qualitative approach, the different types of approaches to program planning. Is the best approach creativity-based, resource-based or mission-based? You will discover that cultural organizations include market orientation in their planning, and in different ways. Two articles study consumer loyalty in the field of performing arts. Olivia Guillon analyzes audience segmentation at Théâtre de l’Athénée, in Paris, using an econometric approach, while Preece and Wiggins Johnson propose greater mobilization of performing arts audiences by means of a “persistent presence” on the Web. In the next article, d’Astous and Berrada focus on product placement in the movies. They suggest that researchers and practitioners should concern themselves with a creative strategy and the conditions likely to maximize the effectiveness of product placement. And last, Márquez-Farias and Lapierre describe the exceptional journey of the prolific and committed Colombian novelist Gabriel García Márquez.

As announced last year, IJAM will begin publishing special issues on specific themes. This issue contains an invitation to submit an article for the first of the special issues, which will be published in 2012. The topic is Digital Revolution and Conflict Between the “Ancients and the Moderns” in Cultural Organizations. I wish to thank Professor Dominique Sagot-Duvauroux for agreeing to serve as guest editor for that project.

Finally, I am pleased to announce the naming of Philippe Ravanas as Associate Editor for the sections Manager’s Voice and Company Profile and Ruth Rentschler as Book Review Editor. I sincerely thank Professor Jennifer Radbourne for performing the latter function since the launch of IJAM. My best wishes to Professor Radbourne in her future endeavours.

Happy reading!

Johanne Turbide